Absolutely. All interactions with the VolunClear website use current security technology (TLS 1.2). This is the same technology used online by banks and credit cards. Additionally, all uploaded clearances are encrypted and stored securely on servers provided by Amazon.
Once your organization is set up on VolunClear, you will have access to a link that you can send volunteers via email, post on your website, etc. Additionally, you can upload a list of volunteer names and email addresses and VolunClear can send them an email with instructions for uploading clearances.
Certainly. VolunClear was designed with this in mind. Once a volunteer has signed up and uploaded their clearances, those clearances can be shared with another organization using VolunClear with just a few clicks.
VolunClear is billed on a monthly or yearly basis (yearly billing includes a discount). There are no contracts and you can cancel at any time. There are no refunds for any prepaid time on a subscription. Payment can be made by credit card or check.